University Social Responsibility Policy

UTEC University Social Responsibility Policy seeks to:

  • Promote the incorporation of university social responsibility in the three substantive functions of the university: academic training, research and university extension.
  • Promote the incorporation of the university social responsibility approach in academic training aimed at educate citizens committed to society.
  • Promote the incorporation of social responsibility in academic research and the social management of knowledge the university produces.
  • Provide the parameters to determine the social component of UTEC projects carried out by both teachers and students.
  • Promote the ethic and social responsibility component with the people and individuals in projects and research that have a direct and indirect implication on groups or individuals.
  • Guarantee the social relevance of the research produced by the university and the transfer of socially useful knowledge.
  • Propose joint actions between the university and society through the development of social projects or volunterings whose aim is the university's contribution to the development of the country.
  • Establish strategic alliances with external actors, so that communities of mutual learning are formed among students, teachers and the community.
  • Raise awareness and engage academic and administrative authorities and the university community in general regarding the importance of the transversal incorporation of social responsibility in all university functions.